Patient Participation Group
About our PPG and how to join
The Cranborne Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) is formed of people from a variety of backgrounds, who each bring something different to the group. Its members are volunteer patients who work with the managers and clinicians at The Cranborne Practice and Lake Road Surgery to support and promote the best possible health care for all patients
Our Patient Participation Group works with the Practice to help staff to improve the quality of healthcare and response to patient needs. For more about who we are and what we do, please follow this link to the PPG Terms of Reference>>

- Have your say about local healthcare
- Stay Informed with local health issues
- Support your local health service
- Enhance your experience and make a difference
Join Us
If you would like to join our group please complete the sign-up form and email it to
Download and print out our PPG Sign Up Form in Microsoft Word Version here>>
If you prefer, you can download the sign up form as a pdf document, print it out, complete it and return it to the practice by mail to:
The Cranborne Practice, The Surgery, Pennys Lane, Cranborne, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 5QE
Download and print out our PPG Sign Up Form as a PDF here>>
We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form.
By providing your email address you confirm you consent for us to contact you occasionally by email.
We have also set up a private PPG Facebook group which provides a platform for those who are not always able to attend one of the regular PPG meetings. To join this Facebook Group, please follow the link below. You are asked to read and acknowledge the Patient Participation Group Charter and Group rules before being admitted to the Group.

Ideas and Feedback
The PPG welcome contact from patients with any constructive ideas or suggestions that you may have. Please email the Chairperson, Julie Saunders at with your thoughts along with the actions we or the Practice could take to better support patients' health and wellbeing.
Our Meetings
Our most recent meeting was held on Thursday 12th September, 2024, and the next meeting is scheduled to take place Thursday 19th December, 2024 at 2pm.
Follow this link to download and view a copy of the meeting agenda>>
We continue to offer participation via video call as this is the preference of our members.